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Mastering Detachment

A Path to Spiritual Fulfillment and Lasting Peace

Detachment is always said to be the core of gaining peace. But what exactly is this detachment? They say detachment from the material world opens your doors to spirituality and your path to salvation. Paradoxically, how will detachment yield any good if there is no attachment to the Divine? How will you perceive peace when you have no urge to experience Divine Energy? Life would seem dead without a purpose. And if salvation is the purpose, then it comes with appropriation. How does a detachment bring you to peace?

Detaching does not mean giving up on your interests, likes, and dislikes. Spirituality is not only your detachment from the material aspect of your wants but also from the moral and emotional aspects. Making a wish is like a Light full of Positive Energy. Expecting the wish to be fulfilled is the Hope that nourishes your Energy. But the thought of a compulsive result in your favour is the greed that leads to disappointments. 

You are a human with blessed consciousness and the extraordinary ability of sensory control. When you can enjoy planting and watering a seed with all your energy, why would you stress yourself with doubt of the plant’s ability to bloom?  Detachment is when your joy of planting the seed is greater than the joy of cherishing the fruit. Detaching does not mean stepping back from your actions. It means evenly distributing your energy into tangible actions without bearing intangible fruit in thought. Detachment does not mean giving up on your karmic life and wandering in forests seeking the divine. The divine can be sought for exactly where you are today. It is within You! And you don’t need to look outside for something that has its abode deep inside your own self.  

Detachment means giving up on the wrong definitions of happiness that count in the form of profits and losses rather than in the form of thoughts and actions. Detachment is giving up the ego that pushes you hard in the meaningless competition that can bring you all the material wealth but, unfortunately, cannot bring peace, which is the ultimate purpose of all your efforts. You all have heard and pronounced that expectations lead to disappointments. But the divinity in you knows that there is no disappointment if you expect and consciously embrace the nature of Nature. Your awareness of your ability to produce energy from every portion of your actions keeps the highest potential to bring you peace.

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